Zhu Zhu Pets

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut


A Shih Tzu dog's coat grows quickly so you are going to need to get a hair cut probably relatively early in your dog's life. A hair cut is a pretty big deal for a Shih Tzu so you are more than welcome to try it yourself if you feel you can give your dog the proper type of cut. If you would rather have someone else do it then that is fine and probably preferable. But in the end it is important to do what you feel is right for your dog.

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

A Shih Tzu pup can start getting hair cuts as young as ten weeks but you need to lead in to it by starting off with small snips of things here and there. Get the little dog used to the idea of being trimmed. Something that will help is to incorporate brushing in with the cutting, as these dogs generally love to be brushed. This will help keep the pup calm while learning to get their hair cut. You can probably do full cuts at around sixteen weeks.

Zhu Zhu Pets

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

The Shih Tzu has human like hair that makes up its coat instead of fur like every other dog so when you are giving a hair cut you need to keep that in mind. The things that hurt you when you get your hair cut are even worse for your dog so if you have the scissors that are so dull that they pull hair out instead of cutting it, or if you have a habit of sharply yanking up the hair to cut it, you need to rectify these situations as they will cause your dog to fear much needed grooming.

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

Make sure the hair around the eyes is always trimmed as hair in the eyes is not only very annoying to a Shih Tzu but it can cause an infection so make sure this area is maintained. You can try this yourself but since we are talking an animal capable of making sudden movements you may want to leave the eye area to a professional to avoid injury to your dog.

Always make sure your Shih Tzu hair cut makes the dog's coat shorter in the summer and a little longer in the winter. In the summer it needs to be short otherwise your dog will start to experience health problems with the heat. In the winter you can leave it as long as you like, but make sure the dog can still run and walk without tripping over its coat. Some people like to leave little pieces of hair so they can attach bows and ribbons, which is common among owners. The dogs, however, do not always like it.

Giving your Shih Tzu a hair cut yourself is just fine but you may want to watch a professional do it first. After you see what goes into doing a proper cut you might come to realize that the money you pay a professional once a month or so is well worth it to get your pets hair cut done right.

Looking Into A Shih Tzu Hair Cut

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?


We all have questions about the world around us. Here are some common questions and current answers.

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Why is the sky blue?

"The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

"However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue."

Reference: sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html

Why does the sun look bigger in the morning and in the evening?

"It is well known that when a light of any kind shines through a dense medium it appears larger, or rather gives a greater "glare," at a given distance than when it is seen through a lighter medium. This is more remarkable when the medium holds aqueous particles or vapor in solution, as in a damp or foggy atmosphere. Anyone may be satisfied of this by standing within a few yards of an ordinary street lamp, and noticing the size of the flame; on going away to many times the distance, the light or "glare" upon the atmosphere will appear considerably larger.

"This phenomenon may be noticed, to a greater or less degree, at all times; but when the air is moist and vapory it is more intense. It is evident that at sunrise, and at sunset, the sun's light must shine through a greater length of atmospheric air than at mid-day; besides which, the air near the earth is both more dense, and holds more watery particles in solution, than the higher strata through which the sun shines at noonday; and hence the light must be dilated or magnified, as well as modified in colour. ...as the sun recedes from the meridian, over a plane surface, the light, as it strikes the atmosphere, must give a larger disc."

Hint: Take a pen light and shine it on a table top. First hold it directly above the surface like the sun at noon day. See that the circle of the light beam is of a certain size. Now shine the light on the surface at an angle like when the sun goes down. Notice the size of the light on the table. Is it bigger? The table top is like the atmosphere above the earth. The light hits it at an angle and makes a larger image there. We see the object (the sun) even though it isn't. (See a better explanation of this in the reference where they are allowed to show images.

Reference: sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za28.htm

How deep is the ocean?

It depends where you go swimming. Some joke, huh?

"The average depth of the oceans is about five times the average elevation of the land. In general, the continents stand about three miles above the ocean floor. According to the National Geographic Atlas, the deepest-known part of the ocean measures 10,924 meters (35,839 feet), in the Marianas Trench near Guam. If the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest (29,141 feet), were to be placed into this trench, it would be covered by over 1.25 miles of water."

Reference: edu/info/deepest-ocean.html

How was the moon formed?

"Two new studies bolster the popular theory that the moon formed from debris after a rogue planet smacked into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. "

Hint: Read the reference carefully to see how scientist think on this subject. No scientific knowledge is needed to understand this article.

Reference: space.com/scienceastronomy/planetearth/moonwhack_main_000901.html

What is the Big Bang theory?

The theory is that the universe was formed or created in space time at a singularity of extreme density and energy. Dark energy detected at microwave frequencies is evidence of such a great release of energy. (The universe was formed everywhere at once from nothing according to a contact I had with those who know best.) The center of the universe does not exist and can not be determined. So they say. The theory may never be proved. Read the reference for a brief description.

Reference: liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/universe/b_bang.html

What is the highest mountain in our solar system?

"The highest mountain and volcano in the solar system is on the planet Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and is 16 miles (24 kilometers) high which makes it about three times higher than Mt. Everest. In addition to being very tall, it is also very wide (340 miles or 550 kilometers) and covers an area larger than the entire chain of Hawaiian islands. Olympus Mons is a very flat mountain which slopes by only 2 to 5 degrees. It is a shield volcano built up by eruptions of lava."

Hint: Go to the reference to see a pic of this monster.

Reference: coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_kids/AskKids/olympusmons.shtml

Where are the world's highest tides?

"The Bay of Fundy (New Brunswick, Canada) has the world's highest tides. They average about 45 feet (14 meters) in the northern part of the bay, far surpassing the world average of 2.5 feet (0.8 meters)."

Hint: Use the search box at the reference to find answers to other science questions.

Reference: enotes.com/science-fact-finder/earth/where-worlds-highest-tides

The End

Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories 

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories 

Zhu Zhu Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories - Zhu Zhu Pets Adventure Ball

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories 

9 x 8 x 4 inches

Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories 

11 ounces


Pet Hamster Deluxe Accessories

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Help! I Cant Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need


Having a hard time finding Zhu Zhu Pets and their accessories? All over the nation moms and dads are scouring their local store shelves trying to find the elusive hamsters, with not much success. If you are one of these parents hoping to get a hold of a Zhu Zhu Pet for your son or daughter this holiday season, you are not alone, and, thankfully, you are not beyond help either! Here's a few tips to help you find the best Zhu Zhu pet, at the best price available, with enough time to spare to still place it under your Christmas tree.

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

1. Stop looking locally: Unless you have "friends" inside one of your local toy or big box stores willing to hide away a few Zhu Zhu Hamsters just for you, you will likely be facing many trips to said stores in a futile attempt to secure a hamster or play set of your own. Not only that but in the unlikely event that you do find a Zhu Zhu Pets hamster or accessory/play set, it may not be the one you were looking for; particularly if it's one of the more popular items in the line.

2. If you INSIST on looking locally: Call ahead and / or make a friend with some of the people who run, and regularly re-stock your stores' toy departMent. Ask around and try to find out when toy shipMents occur, how often said shipments are likely to contain the Zhu Zhu Pet on your Christmas list, and when they will be put out on the sales floor. If you can get all of that information, then you will actually have a really good chance of obtaining the hamster/playset that you want. However, getting even the tiniest bits of this kind of information is usually akin to pulling teeth, as most stores have a "no tell" policy that forbids employees from giving out such valuable information, in the interest of customer fAirness and satisfaction. If anything, you will be lucky to get a hint of when the toy(s) may come in, when they might come out for sale, and how many days in advance you should plan to camp outside the store entrance for them.

3. Shop Online: Unless you have ABSOLUTELY nothing better to do than drive/walk/run in circles daily to all the toy selling stores in your area looking for that one special hamster your boy or girl needs, then it's time to check out the online toy shops. At last count there were over 1 million web pages related to Zhu Zhu Pets on the web, with a good %60 or more of them selling the furry little hamsters in some capacity. This leaves quite an abundant stock of Zhu Zhu Pets available for purchase at your fingertips. The single caveat: finding any of the Zhu Zhu products, particularly the hamsters themselves, for anything less than double or triple the MSRP is increasingly difficult. Therefore, as much as we may not like it, if this is one of the big "please please please daddy can I get it" items your child is asking for this Christmas, you may not have a choice but to buckle down and pay the extra few bucks for that one particular hamster. While this is not immediately the favored option, when looking at how much gasoline, energy, and time is wasted in your brick and mortar store search efforts, the extra few Dollars outlay-ed to an online merchant for the hamster your child wants far outweighs the wasted time and gas Dollars spent looking for the perfect hamster at a local store.

There's your 3 best options for finding that elusive Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster or Playset in time for Christmas. Time to get shopping!

Help! I Can't Find Zhu Zhu Pets Anywhere! - 3 Tips to Help You Find the Zhu Zhu Pets You Need

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

ZHU CHUANG Bamboo Drawer Organizer


Yes, we guys are usually an open book to nearly any woman around. Or so we let you think ;) Seriously, there's usually quite a bit you can figure out about us from just a glance in our direction, but there are SOME secrets we keep amongst ourselves, particularly when it comes to relationships. While they are many in number, here are 7 "secrets" that make a woman super attractive in our eyes.

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

1. Intelligence: Possibly the number one mis-conception is that all Men are looking for a dumb chick and an easy lay. Admittedly, sometimes we that is all we're looking for, depending on the occasion (we're not looking for a wifey in the club.) However, what we are truly searching for 90% of the time is a woman that is an intellectual match that we can talk to (talk?!!?) Yes you read that right, we do want you to be smart, in fact it can be a real turn on if you are smartER than us. Just don't let anybody know we said that!

2. Personality: "She's got a great personality" is guy code for "She's ugly but . . ." True enough, but in reality we do want you to have a great personality; it completes the package. Just as a you want a guy that makes you laugh, we want a girl we can laugh with.

3. Not Into Sports: The 8 hour couch potato with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a beer in the other is an all too often used stereotype. Sure, some of us love a game of football, baseball, or F1, but many of us just aren't into the whole sports thing. If you're not into sports either, that's great to us.

4. Looks: Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie; these are widely considered to be the epitome of the perfect woman. While it's hard to deny that woman like them are attractive in our eyes, every guy has his own personal criteria as to what's "beautiful," and many times looking like a perfect barbie Doll isn't it. In fact, most of us like a little meat on our woMen. A bit of booty can go a long way.

5. Bigger Looks: An ample chest can get our attention, but is nowhere near as important as a pretty face. Despite where you see our eyes go, we really are talking to you and not your chest during a conversation.

6. Sex: If you can rock our bed that's fantastic. But if that's all you can do we're going to get bored really quick. Men love woman who are great to be with in and out of bed. After all, sex is all about communication between partners for mutual satisfaction; meaning that if you don't know every position in the book, that's OK because we can learn together. But if you don't know how to speak our language (metaphorically speaking) that's a bit more difficult to over come.

7. Communication: We like it when you talk. We really do. Even if we sometimes space out when you start talking about the latest Twilight movie/book, we do like to listen to what you have to say. Even if we don't show it. Sometimes we just like to hear the sound of your voice, it comforts us, turns us on, and so much more.

7.1 Bonus Secret: We won't admit this to anybody else, but we like Twilight too. So if you want to talk about how "Edward shouldn't have . . ." we're game, it just might be better to do it in private so our less Twilight-inclined friends don't feel left out (code for: "or laugh at us.")

So there you go, confirmation that men actually do want in a woman many of the same things you want in a man. It just takes a little more prodding for us to admit it.

7 Secret Qualities Men Find Hot

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu


A dog's eyes are their windows to the world, and I recomMend that every dog owner learn about proper eye care for their particular breed. The Shih Tzu, like many other breeds, is vulnerable to various eye problems, and if you know what to look for, you can be proactive in keeping your Shih Tzu happy. Also knowing what the breed standard say about the eyes, will help when you choose your next puppy.

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Breed requireMents

The Shih Tzu breed standard states that the eyes should be large, round and dark in color, with the exception of lighter coated dogs where light brown eyes are acceptable. Blue eyes are also acceptable in blue coated dogs. Very little of the white around the eyes should be visible when the dog is looking straight ahead. If you can see toomuch white, the dog's eyes are considered faulty by breed standards. The eyes should convey a feeling of warmth, friendship, and trust.

Eye Problems

Dry Eye, also known as KCS, is a problem where the eye does not produce enough tears to keep the eye properly lubricated. It is a common condition in older dogs, the Shih Tzu often gets KCS because of the shape of their eyes, which are usually large and protruding from their eye sockets. KCS is often treated by using Cyclosporine to stimulate tears, but before doing so, I would highly recomMend a visit to the vet for proper instructions.

Entropion is a condition where the eyelids turn inward actually along with the eyelashes, irritating the Shih Tzu's eyes and causing excessive watering. If the eyes of aShih Tzu water constantly, this will not only irritate the poor dog, but will also create tear stains that are almost impossible to remove. While tear stains can be reduced by clipping the hAir short, Entropion itself may require surgery. A related problem is called Distichiasis, where eyelashes grow too close to the eye and keep rubbing against it. This can cause scarring of the cornea and ulcers that may lead to blindness.

A serious eye problem for the Shih Tzu is called Proptosis. It can occur because Shih Tzu eyes tend to bulge out of the skull. Sometimes, the eyelids get stuck behind the eyeball and can't close properly. When this happens, the blood Supply to the eye can be cut off. You'll know it is happening if you see that your Shih Tzu is not blinking and seemsuncomfortable. I cannot stress enough how important it is to get to a vet immediately, since you only have about 20 or 30 minutes before the dog is blinded from lack of blood to the eye.

How to groom the hAir around the eyes

Shih Tzu Eyes-What You Need to Know

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Shih Tzu Puppies


Shih Tzu puppies are arguably the cutest and most lovable pets one could dream of owning. Their friendly and lively personality makes them the perfect pet. Many hope to have one as a pet, but where does one start to look to own one? How do you avoid those breeders who are asking outrageous amounts of money for a "special" breed "? Better yet, where do you find free Shih Tzu puppies?! I have some ideas.

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

1.) Check out your local newspaper's classifieds

Sometimes you can get lucky and find free Shih Tzu puppies by browsing the pets section of the classifieds in your local newspaper. This can be rare, but even if you can't find some, you might still be able to find puppies that are fAirer. Also, don't be afraid to givethe breeder to call to see if you can arrange for a lower price!

2.) Call your local or surrounding animal shelters or humane societies

Go ahead and pull out the phone book and call your local animal shelter or animal shelters in surrounding cities. They might be trying to find a home for any puppies they've recently rescued or picked up. Not only is this a chance to find free Shih Tzu puppies but make a difference in one's life!

3.) Visit adoption and rescue websites online

Free Shih Tzu Puppies-3 Ideas for Adopting a Shih Tzu Puppy

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets


Zhu Zhu pets are usually used by most children as they love playing it overtime. For this reason , zhu zhu pets may run out of power and will not function anymore that's why it really requires changing its battery.

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Since you only have to be concerned about changing its batteries, there's no worry about feeding, clean-up, or applying the Zhu Zhu Pet. Also, if you've ever knowledgeable the death of a pet as a kid, you more than probably worries about the ache your own child will know how or what to do if their pet dies.

Below are the simple and helpful tips on how to do it.

It is very important to have a soil matured person with you to supervise the proper way in changing thebattery.

Step 1: You have to turn the Zhu Zhu pet over and remove the motor box.

Step 2: Take away the motor box.

Step 3: After removing the motor box make sure to change the 2 A3 batteries which match the polarization being shown in the interior of the battery section. Keep in mind that and check the batteries if it is tightly seated

Step 4: Change the motor box and screw snug.

Changing the Batteries on the Zhu Zhu Pets

Sunday, May 27, 2012

DaGeDar Balls

DaGeDar Balls

DaGeDar Balls


DaGeDar is the new hot release by Zhu Zhu Pets creator-Cepia LLC. It's a huge collection of marble balls, tracks, spinners and playgrounds. These toys are designed for children ages 5 and up and mainly dedicated for boys. Kids can build all kinds of tracks, and race their DaGeDar balls through them. The track parts are made from colorful plastic and represent all the different turns, tunnels and loops. Each game set is a kind of competition, you need to race your own ball the right way to knock the opponent off ball. So it's obvious that this racing game is not only about shape and color, it's about your own skills, you have to be Fast, adroit and smart. Who will win depends on how good you can control your ball. Be prepared for everything, it's a trickygame and no one know how it will end.

DaGeDar toy collection includes up to 240 different marble balls, each of these balls is an unique character living in diMension 33. DiMension 33 is a magical world where all DaGeDars are from. Each ball has its own number, color and name. They all are absolutely different, and it's a real challenge to collect them all. Among all new personages you will find aliens, wild animals, skulls, eye balls, masks and many others. Also according to their special living place name, there is an elite DaGeDar ball number 33, be sure not to miss it. Besides marble racing balls, there are special tracks, which you can build and rebuild the way you like.

DaGeDar Balls

Monday, April 9, 2012

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Telling Santa


You may stand in line at the mall to see the real Santa, but more and more kids spend sometimes up to one hour chatting with a Virtual Santa Claus online. There are now plenty of online chat-bot talking to literally hundreds of thousands of children during the Christmas season.
It's known that children feel comfortable talking to Santa, but that's also true for an automated Santa software on the Internet. So, who are these artificial Santa Clauses? Where do you find them? And, what are the children saying to them?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Who are these Santa Clauses?
Various types of Santa online-from bots exist purely text based to fully-animated talking avatars of Santa Claus.

The famous santabot.com is a text-based chatbot using an Instant Message (IM) interface like MSNmessenger or ICQ that kids a comfortable with. The Santa bot developed by the A.L.I.C.E. foundation has a talking Santa head with a deep robot voice, text-to-speech, so you can actually hear Santa talk back to you. Santa lives also in virtual worlds, such as one flash animated Santa Clause that sits behind the counter of a ' bar ' milk and cookies ready to take your order.
What do kids say to a Virtual Santa Clause?

Kids will say about anything to Santa, and a unique insight into how kids interact with the Santa Claus online bots can be found in the statistics and trends collected from them.

Virtual Santa Clause-What Are Kids Telling Santa Online?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010


If you are shopping for the perfect toy for a five year old boy in your life, you may be overwhelmed by the choices. You could go the easy route and just get them "something," but the more you know about the toys that five year old boys think are "cool" the better gift you're going to get. If finding the best gift for Christmas 2010 is important to you, keep reading.

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Here are some of the must-have toys for five year old boys in 2010.

Top Toys For 5 Year Old Boys 2010

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dry and Brush to Rescue

Dry and Brush to Rescue 

Dry and Brush to Rescue

Dry and Brush to Rescue 

Little Live Pets Scruff-A-Luvs Family | Wash, Dry and Brush to Rescue and Reveal 10 Surprises

Dry and Brush to Rescue 

  • Rescue and adopt a dog or cat family and give them a home!
  • Wash them, dry them and brush them to reveal the whole family. Will you find a cat or dog family?
  • How many babies does your scruff-a-luv mommy have? Will you find rare triplets?
  • Are your babies boys or girls? Warm their hearts to find out their heart will change color to blue or pink.
  • There are 10 surprises to find along the way! Open the panels to find everything your family of scruff-a-luv needs. Including a brush, a mystery flavor baby bottle, a collar and locket, birth Certificate and even small sweaters for your babies!
  • Place one of the family photo stickers inside the mommy scruff-a-luv locket to create your own scruff-a-luv family memory.

Dry and Brush to Rescue 

4.33 x 4.33 x 4.92 inches

Go to store

Dry and Brush to Rescue

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dwarf Hamsters Toys

Dwarf Hamsters Toys


Dwarf Hamsters Toys

Dwarf Hamsters Toys

Dwarf Hamsters Toys PINVNBY Wooden Hamster House, Rat Hideout Hut Dwarf Hamster Toy Gerbil Cage Accessories Rat Playground Platform for Small Pets

Dwarf Hamsters Toys

Hamster house x 1 (4.1 x 4.1 x 3.3 inches, door diameter 1.9 inches), swing x 1 (4 inches diameter), ladder x 1 (8.6 x 4 inches), the combined product size is about 14.5 x 12.2 x 9 inches

Dwarf Hamsters Toys

Wooden Hamster House is all made of pure natural wood, with a natural wood fragrance, safe, non-toxic and pet-friendly.

Dwarf Hamsters Toys